01/01/2025CELEBRATING 26 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE!!!Look out for 1 Call Connect's New & Exciting products for 2025!!!During the course of 2024, 1 Call Connect has once again re-positioned itself in a prime position for 2025 and beyond. As the needs for telecommunication trends and marketplace have changed, so has 1 Call Connect via New and Exciting products for the New Year ahead. Contact: for more info!
We are continually updating our most recent events, please check back regularly for updated News...
Artificial Intelligence is here!!!
10/01/2024With the introduction of artificial intelligence and machine learning to drive our robocall and fraud detection platform, we can help to ensure USA Federal regulatory compliance for robocall, sales, and telemarketing calls that traverse your network. Contact: for more info!
01/01/2021 - 12-31-2021
1 Call Connect releases its Stir/Shaken product in compliance with the telecommunication Industry Trace Back Group, known officially as the TRACE Act. Stir/Shaken put simply, enables phone companies to verify that the caller ID information transmitted with a call matches the caller’s real phone number in order to determine whether the call should be blocked or labeled with a "Caller Verified" message, or other "Spam" message. To learn more about our Stir/Shaken service, please complete our Service Request Form and one of our Stir/Shaken specialists will arrange for immediate interconnection.
Or contact: for more info!
Website Revamp
02/14/2019 - 12-31-2019After many years of featuring a simplified website to greet our Customers, and Vendors, 1 Call Connect has taken the initiative to build upon its current strong image worldwide by acquiring a leading marketing company, who will in turn skillfully revamp its website and provide other feature rich tools for our Customers & Vendors. This is the first step of many as 1 Call Connect begins to roll out news services for the year ahead. Check back soon...!
Switches now worldwide
01/01/2013 - 12/31/131 Call Connect concentrates on building awareness in the telecom industry for its ever popular and extremely user friendly Switch Partitioning services.
Additional Redundant switches are now activated worldwide to provide yet additional geographic diversity and redundancy to maintain our continued 99.999% uptime!
Additional Tier 1 Carriers
01/01/2012 - 12/31/121 Call Connect provisions additional Tier 1 Carriers to its Network for continued redundancy and full retail quality coverage for both USA and International A-Z routes! Quality and redundancy have always played a major role in the management of the corporate policies for 1 Call Connect, and recent natural disasters have taught us all many lessons in general everyday management as it relates to the telecom industry. In response 1 Call Connect has again added more facilities within the USA and around the globe for further Geographic redundancy to maintain our continued 99.999% uptime!
Virtual Call Shop features
05/25/10 - 12-31-2010"1 Call Connect adds Virtual Call Shop features"Many store locations worldwide that up until now were not able to provide the advanced technology to "Call Shop" customers, can now do so with little to no out of pocket expense. Now with a simple Internet connection, store owners can open their doors to a once elusive customer, and provide their customers with inexpensive options to call friends & family both domestic and international. This is achieved via 1 Call Connect's "Virtual" Call Shop feature. Simply connect via the Internet with any off the shelf computer or laptop to 1 Call Connect's network and you are open for Call Shop business and profits, it's that simple!
*Archived 1 Call Connect News articles 1998 through 2009
Ask for an obligation-free quote!
If you would like to know more about us or have any questions about our wholesale routes, switching services, or Stir/Shaken & LRN products, please give us a call or send us an email. We can’t wait to hear from you!
289 S Robertson Blvd, Suite 239Beverly Hills, CA 90211